STMA BJJ Events Calendar

Your go-to resource for upcoming Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu competitions, seminars, and open mats. This calendar is community-driven, meaning you can add events to help keep everyone informed.

How to Add an Event:
1️⃣ Click the "Add Event" (+ icon in bottom right) button on the calendar.
2️⃣ Enter the event details (date, location, registration link, etc.).
3️⃣ Save your entry to share it with the STMA community.


STMA BJJ Competition List:


Calendar by Month:


Keep Us Posted on Updates!

Feel free to add comments below. When you add an update to the calendar let us know!!
Or if you signed up to a comp then keep us posted below:

**Once you have verified your email, refresh the page and your comment will be displayed.**